Frequently Asked Questions

When is it helpful to consult with a psychiatrist?

  • You want to feel better or make changes in your life, and need a little help.

  • Family or friends have noticed changes in your life.

  • You or someone you love have noticed a change with your mood, your nerves, your thinking, or the way you act, and you are not sure why.

  • You have been taking medications from your primary care doctor but your symptoms don't seem to be getting better or are not resolved.

  • You have been taking medications and they are causing side effects, or wondering whether there are better choices for you.

  • You have been seeing a therapist or counselor and they recommend a psychiatric consultation.


What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist or psychotherapist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with specialty training in psychiatry. They complete 4 years of medical school and 4 more years of residency training.

Psychiatrists are trained in both psychotherapy and psychiatric medications so they are able to provide both services. Other providers (like a psychologist, a social worker, or a licensed counselor) can provide psychotherapy services but they cannot prescribe medications.


Will the psychiatrist try to make me take medications even if I don't want to?

NO! When you talk with your provider you will discuss all treatment options including medication and non-medication treatments. If your provider recommends a medication, you will discuss the risks and benefits of the medication carefully and you will decide whether or not you think it is a good choice for you. In many cases, your provider may recommend that you stop taking medications that are not necessary or helpful for you.

What if I have difficulty with side effects from my medication?

We will help you. We don’t pretend that side effects don’t exist. At Excel Psychiatric, we help you …